Free Park & Art Las Vegas
Commercial Center Historic Society is Funded Soley by Donations. Thank You for your Consideration. This allows us to continue caring for the Historic Area
Take a tour of The Commercial Center Artwalk a free Public Outdoor Mural & Art Project that spans 28 Acres Conceived & Curated in 2007 By Paula Sadler-President & Founder of CCBA & The Commercial Center Historic Society, as a way to combat Graffiti in the Area and to inspire, give hope, share beauty and heal The Historic Neighborhood.
The Mission of this Project was and is to revitalize the Commercial Center by maintaining a relationship with the Arts Community and commissioning local artists for a Variety of Outdoor Art Installations, and by installing a series of nature, animal images and powerful symbols of life and healing. Drawing on Sacred Geometry, Numerology, Animal Totems, & Angels.
This project has seen the realization of the First Outdoor Large Scale Mural Installation by Artist Howard Freeman our Very Own Dolphin At Sunset Jumping out of the Ocean-Dedicated to Vallee Swan a longtime Las Vegan and Early Supporter of Sadler’s Efforts. This Mural once Featured in the East Lot, Adjacent to the A Building Abbot Trophy Store, now covered by a Baron Desert Landscape created by ZLA commissioned by Chris Mazzone, and Owner of Building A Lindsey Olson. Before we could save our Dolphin they had Already Painted over an Incredible Work or Art, that was part of the Original Healing through Art Project and Feng Shui Treatment to bring Images of Water to our Landscape. Below is the original Artwork. The Energy of this Healing Lives on, and is swimming in the undercurrent of Love and Life at Commercial Center. Dolphins as Native American Totems teach us to Create Community Wherever they go, and to help with Communicating.
According to Ted Andrews of Animal Speak Dolphins help us with Breath, & Sound. This Dolphin Totem Energy of Commercial Center shows us how to navigate the deep waters of our community with Sonar Ability, helping us to create powerful new experiences with our words and thoughts, Dolphin helps us to Breathe new life into ourselves and the community. Beckoning us to get outside, play, explore and most importantly breathe! Try standing by the Mural and see if you can envision this loving Mammal that is known to be Altruistic and saving fishermen, other marine animals and humans and breathe in and out, the fresh healing seaside mist.

Historic Posting from Original Site 2006.
The CC District International Arts Garden.
See our Flyer for “Its A Small World” International Village. We are pleased to announce the Commencement of the Long Awaited International Art Garden. View this Artist Rendering by: Pandora Hart, of Pandora’s Box Creations. Click Here to View. This Independent Local Artist has created a sketch of our Vision Coming in 2008 will be our expanded Free Public Art Garden. This Sculpture Garden will feature works of Art, in various mediums, sculpture, paintings, & Murals, in an international theme that will attract international attention. We will be selecting various local artists & students to create this garden. We will feature 50 to 100 pieces of New art, seasonal rotations and a new Art Gallery, all viewing will be free to the public, and artwork will be for sale in our New Gallery. If you would like to participate in this project, please contact our management office.

Historic Posting from Original Site Circa 2007
The CC District is pleased to Announce another project by Commercial Center Business Association, paid for by generous contributions from the community. Starting October 20th, 2007, through Spring 2008, we have launched the 1st wave of our New International Art Garden Free to the Public. On our 28 acres we are painting a series of International and Cultural Symbols | |
to unite us together in “Unity”. Call our Visitor Center today for more information and to purchase a Raffle Ticket to Qualify for a 1st Edition limited Series 2008 Wall Calendar signed by the Artist and the President of The CC District. |