Commercial Center Business Association was Created in Late 2005, formed under the Direction of Paula Sadler-to organize various community projects to enhance and beautify the Commercial Center Area
Commercial Center Historic Society is Funded Soley by Donations. Thank You for your Consideration. This allows us to continue caring for the Historic Area
Historic Posting from Original Site-2006
The Following Excerpt was written when the Association was young, and there were many challenges to overcome at that time. Some of the Actual and perceived challenges came when Sadler reached out to Property & Business Owners, and Clark County Various Departments-mainly the Clark County Redevelopment from 2005-2009. At the time it was found out that the County’s Plan was to Tear Down the Entire Center and Surrounding Area from Joe Brown to Maryland Pkwy and start fresh. Sadler and many others were opposed to this redevelopment because it would have meant losing vital historic areas of Las Vegas and disproportionally displacing thousands of residents and hundreds of businesses and would have meant permanent closure for many. It was a long uphill battle; Sadler and several business and property owners came head-to-head with The County to Save Commercial Center & Billionaire Developers Sean Posner & The Posner Group Grandson of Victor Posner the Origianl Corporate Raider- Victor Posner was an American businessman. He was one of the highest-paid business executives of his generation. He was a pioneer of the leveraged buyout and became notorious for asset stripping. The aim was to have transparency and make sure the deals were fair and equitable and in good faith and interests to the many women and minority business owners that occupied commercial center. At the time no effort was made to inform Businesses of what was happening, there was a language and cultural barrier that was not addressed until Sadler stepped in to inform everyone at the table. Luckily Commercial Center was spared the Wrecking Ball, unfortunately in the battle The Historic Vegas Village Building was lost, with its outdoor Carousel, Clock Tower, Stained Glass, and Indoor Fountains. A timeless piece of Las Vegas History Lost to Redevelopment. The Land in which it occupied has been baron for Several years. Today in 2023 and beyond we are hoping to see another side of SOSA redevelopment. We do not want to lost any more of our precious Commercial Center History, Tearing Down Vegas Village would be like tearing down the Huntridge Theatre. We are watching closely to make sure our area is preserved for future Generations of Las Vegas Small Business owners.
Historic Vegas Village & Clocktower Being Torn down By Billionaire Developer to make way for Luxury High Rise Towers-that never happened.

Commercial Center Business Association
The New Voice of The Commercial Center District World Village. CCBA is a Community Business serving over 14 nations and diversities within The Commercial Center District World Village. Focusing on the needs of small business owners. Commercial Center Business Association opened in 2007 and has successfully revitalized the Original Las Vegas Commercial Center, stabilizing property and individual business values, fighting against abusive eminent domain, and abuse through government neglect of services to the public, being a media watchdog exposing gossip and improving relationships with various local agencies and the community. Providing support services such as real estate development, management, marketing, promotions, advertisement, web development, public relations, and design and decorating consultation, feng-shui implementation, networking with an international community. Commercial Center Business Association a voice for small business owners worldwide. Improving the quality of relationships and environments. For more information please visit. Donations can be made directly to CCBA. CCBA actively seeks funding through voluntary contributions and grants to help small business owners.
Commercial Center Business Association has adopted Satyagraha known as (love-force or soul-force), and Ahimsa (Non-violence) in an effort to teach the opponent abusive government and Property owners humility through ones personal suffering. And Commercial Center Business Association is dedicated to Ahimsa in an effort to increase social awareness and responsibility.
Satyagraha is a philosophy and practice of nonviolent resistance developed by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (also known as “Mahatma” Gandhi). Gandhi deployed satyagraha in campaigns for Indian independence and also during his earlier struggles in South Africa. Satyagraha theory also influenced Martin Luther King, Jr. during the campaigns he led during the civil rights movement in the United States.
Ahimsa is a Sanskrit term meaning to do no harm
(literally: the avoidance of violence – himsa)
Commercial Center President and Founder Paula Sadler have applied affirmation & visualization nearly one year before the onset of major positive transformations in early 2005-06. After One year of involving staff members in meditation and visualization positive changes on a large scale level began to take place in Commercial Center and surrounding areas, flowing into major government upheaval of abusive agencies conforming to the new vision of peace. This movement of healing and peace has been possible with the application of spiritual principles of attraction. CCBA encourages all people to expand their awareness to envision world peace as the ultimate teacher and destiny, achieved through practicing ceaseless unconditional love at all times.
Coming soon Expanded website. 702-791-2368