Parking & Security

Commercial Center Historic Society is Funded Soley by Donations. Thank You for your Consideration. This allows us to continue caring for the Historic Area
We offer 1500 Free Parking Spaces inside the Center in the East, West, South, and North Lots-Overflow parking available near The Las Vegas Athletic Club, and Bank of America Lot

Security is Provided through donations
Security Covers Members Storefronts during these hours, and The General 4 block inner and out radius of Commercial Center. Sahra to State St, to Liberace Ave, to Market Street.
we currently have security Tue-Sat 11am-7pm
Sun-Mon By Patrol
We hope to increase this to 7 days a week two shifts-please consider joining as a business for $100 per month, or any one-time donation to help with Security & Cleaning. Thank You
The Historic Commercial Center District is not responsible for damage or theft to any vehicle or property. Park at your own risk. For All traffic accidents or roadway concerns please contact Clark County Public Works or DOT. to Report 953 E Sahara Commercial Center public parking and sidewalks. For Non-Emergency Matter please contact Metro