A Vison of a World United in Love
Within the Ground there is Magic, when we look beneath we will find New Worlds to Explore, Looking out and into the Expansiveness that is The Commercial Center Landmark
Sidewalk Mural 3-D World By Artists Pandora Hart 2017-Part of Fall Fest & First Sidewalk Installations-Curator Paula Sadler
The Commercial Center District New Vison
With its fascinating history and Mid-
Century Modern & Brutalist architecture, spanning 6 decades-which is akin to 200 years elsewhere in the Country, as Las Vegas Culture likes to Implode most of its Past-LOL. The Commerical Center District Area is uniquely positioned as the Heart of Las Vegas and becoming a place again that exemplifies its origins as The New Downtown of Las Vegas the “Center” of the city and the city’s top shopping, dining, Arts & Entertainment destination by and for Las Vegas Locals and Tourists alike, by the Mom and Pops of Las Vegas, a place where Art, Music, and Diversity Flourish.
A Plan for The Future

The vision of Commercial Center Business Association, The Commercial Center Historic Society, Business and Property Owners is to energize the spaces in The Commercial Center District Area, by creating a cohesive hub of artisanal activities, creating new culinary delights, interesting store fronts and uniquely themed interiors, bold and unique offerings and boutiques, cultivating the one-of-a-kind, hard to find retailers and services. By revamping the center with Art, Music, & Events to foster continuity between each space, they will maintain its historic qualities and preserve its individuality, while holding a vision of the Future that the founders E. Perry Thomas, Jerome Mack, Merv Adelson, Irwin Molasky, and the first 200 Shopkeepers and original Las Vegas Families would be proud of. With these renovations, they hope to draw back in Locals who Love Commercial Center and grew up in the Area, and Bring back Locals who moved away in the 90’s and 2000’s. They aspire to Show the Diversity of Commercial Center and how it is changing for Las Vegas’s next generation of shoppers, diners, Art & Entertainment Enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, and Restaurateurs who want to come back time and time again.
Commercial Center Vison Statement
Written By Paula Sadler-who dreamed all things possible…Dream Big & Believe in Miracles-Call if forth into being…
Commercial Center Vision
Sunday, March 04, 2007 8:11 PM
Updated 3-10-2023 (11) 10:44am (9)
Dear Friends & Neighbors, this Vision Statement started January 30th, 2007, Then was expanded on 3/4/2007. and again on May 11, 2007. We are delighted to Share with you that much has come to fruition since this time, with Faith, Hard Work, Dedication, and a few Miracles! Thank You to Everyone who has contributed to the Success of our Neighborhood. I wrote this when I was 31 years old, and a tenant of Commercial Center for 2 ½ years. This year I will celebrate 19 Years in Business in our Neighborhood, although I have been a customer since 16 years old.
31 Years ago I first came to Commercial Center on a school music trip to Violin Outlet. I had no Idea I would go to Beauty School here at 19 years old at Rollers Beauty School a throwback from the 60’s, and find 12 Step Recovery here at 26 in 2002, then open my own Salon here at 28. I am truly embedded deeply in this Neighborhood as it saved my life and sustains me.
I saw potential when no one could. Because I found New Life at Commercial Center, I had to give back and save the thing, that saved me and continues to do so. I still attend 12 step recovery meetings after 20 years in Commercial Center. I care deeply for this neighborhoods success and for the well being of everyone within.
At the time in 2004 when I first opened my business I envisioned so much for the Area. I saw a need for people to come together to work together. I saw an area needing Love, and TLC, to be healed, uplifted and made new again. I walked door to door asking for help, for anyone who wanted to be a part of a solution and take action. Many would look the other way and say someone else should do it. I found a small group who had heart and could see the vision, and with that support moved forward. It has not been an easy road.
Now in 2023 I am still here, holding the vision, doing much prayer work, meditation and envisioning. I held a community healing event on 11/11/2017 at 11:11am. We saged the entire neighborhood, held a group prayer and meditation, and planted blessing stones throughout. It was amazing. At the time Artists painted New Murals. Howard Freeman our first Muralist came out to touch up his original Artwork, he was the only Artist to answer the call in 2006 and installed several murals over graffiti that was a big success. Several Other Artists answered our call for Murals in 2017 and installed 6 additional Murals. We claimed our space as an Art, Music and Cultural Space. As it was only in 2002 That First Friday began, and it was a natural evolution and reclaiming of the area, for what its always been a space for Ingenuity and Entrepreneurs to do their thing, either crafting beautiful Jewelry, Creating Savory Meals, Designing creative spaces. We have been feeding Las Vegas since 1963.
Then in 2019 Mural Mecca came to New Orleans Square and had attracted many Artists to that location. Over the past 16 years since this Vision was written, much has transpired. Thank You Creator, for answered prayer. Thank You for directing me at the time, and inspiring me to do your will. This Vision we release to the Universe to be and live all it can be, and to be ever changing, ever expanding into the fullness of our greatest potential.
In Love & Light-
Paula Josephine Sadler
Your Friendly Neighbor
Original Vision Below-Created 3-4-2007
Renewed 5/11/2007 3:25pm
The purpose of this Vision is to create the energy needed for change, this is our vehicle so the Universe can take our order, and it has, we see this is how dreams and visions come to life, one must dream it into existence, this is how we have all the great things in life we have today. WE operate under the law of attraction, so have your employees, friends, family say this together at least once per month. Visualize all that you desire, this works for anything and everything in life, it’s not a new concept, in fact it’s very old, old as time itself. We are creators of the dreams we hold deep inside, there is no reason not to be great, or to live to one’s full potential, but forget not to be grateful in heart for this is Humility. There is no reason we cannot bring the spiritual into our everyday, every interaction. This applies to anyone, any religion, the law of attraction, we are what we think, we create what we think, life is because we think it is so, it is only by each individuals perception that life exists, and although we may not be able to agree on all things nor should we, we can agree that dreams are so important and if we did not have forward thinkers who did not mind sharing there vision with us, we would not have any of the wonders of the modern world today that we appreciate, so dear Reader help us to live our dreams, and hold in your thought the best and highest good for us, and hold this vision in your minds eye for what we are in the process of creating now, and so it is Thank You!!!
Dear Creator, Thank you so much as we have created our small business association, with over 100 members and growing, each donating at least $1,000 per year, our annual operating budget is well over $100,000, and we have more than enough always to do all we desire and wish to do, its as if by magic we have the golden touch. We have a great shopping center website, filled with a wonderful directory, calendar of events, community events, sales, printable coupons, flyers, and wonderful photos and graphics. We have created a wonderful tribute to the evolution of business at this center since its beginning in 1960, and many previous owners have come forward with business clippings, stories and photos that we have been able to put together an interesting story of life in business, each month we feature a different business owner, and business and promote to the public through our publication, it’s a great success. We have created a special savings club for the public by joining our Shopping Mall VIP club with discounts to many wonderful services here at the center.
We have an excellent business plan, and marketing plan. We have created a wonderful and new strong business, and offer needed support services to all the businesses at the commercial center, and we are a wonderful resource to surrounding business, and we are an advocate for shopping centers worldwide to organize and for businesspeople to work together for the good of all concerned. The commercial center is so beautiful with well painted curbs, new signs all around, artificial grasses in all the medians, and an international themed sculpture Garden that has received National and World Wide Acclaim. We have bridged the cultural gap and became a unified force of eclectic businesses that is a model for many. We have beautiful murals on what used to be baron walls, and employed the talents of Art Students, and featured Acclaimed Artists who were more than happy to donate to this community service. We have preserved a historic shopping and commerce center of Las Vegas. One remaining vestige of a time passed, now renewed and even better than before. Our Murals are full of light, we have drawn to us the finest in the Arts Community, and have opened Art Galleries, acting, and voice lessons, and our center is rich in the Arts. All businesses are full all the time day and night; business is at an all-time peak. It’s so wonderful, so many tourists and locals come here.
Our international Art Garden is a success, Tour busses come and drop people off that get a chance to walk around and see the art, taste the food, shop the stores, everyone benefits. We keep up the parking lots, and blocks around us, it’s always so clean, and it seems to just shine! Everything is always so immaculate; people are amazed at the grand changes and new theme. The business owners are so happy, they have more business than they can handle and there accounts are overflowing, and there is more than enough money to go around, so they graciously endow the association with high honors, and monies to keep the good work up. We have all kinds of events, that go and all kinds of people come out to see. It’s wonderful and fun. All the storefronts are clean, and every business has upgraded their interiors. We are just as good as the finest shopping centers worldwide with the added bonus of having a rich history and originality that surpasses all. We are pioneers of the New Millennium and created a new trend of integrating Art and Business.
The Commercial Center has become more than it ever was before, it is now living its purpose and redefined its purpose and living its destiny. All suites are 100% full, there is a yearlong waiting list for events, and to lease space, many people want in on the success, and want to know how we did it. We share with them freely for there benefit and we are thanked richly; we have been featured in many prominent magazines, fortune 500, and Various Shows, like CNN, Oprah, and Discovery. WE are very Chic, Hip, and cool! Like Hollywood, Manhattan, Soho, Paris, we have created a lasting theme and place, where people know worldwide the uniqueness and diversity of this magical place! Our New Website is awesome, with virtual tours, online shopping. We offer promotional products, t-shirts, mugs, etc.
We receive huge donations to maintain our Art Gardens, Advertising, and business association. We receive donations, sponsorship and member dues from people who admire and appreciate all we do. We have the most wonderful outdoor patios; the concrete sidewalks have been artistically stained, and patterned, its a wonderful new look. Its very cool, we were able to build an information booth outside at the entrance, there are two lanes, traffic moves easily and safely through the whole place.
Dear Creator, its so wonderful working with so many wonderful people- we also have started a street artist contest and the teens in the area have come together and there has been and end to graffiti and crime for miles around, Metro is shocked and wants to implement our plan in other areas. Things have changed for the better because of this vision, this hope, this spark of light, it only takes one candle to light a dark room, and so we are ablaze with light, love and Harmony! Thank you, Creator, for our blessings and we are grateful to have a charity named after us, and we give abundantly for the good of all!!!
Namaste-Many blessings of light & love to all, Thank You!
Paula Sadler-President & Founder
Vision Statement 2007
Vision and Affirmation for Commercial Center
Tuesday, January 30, 2007, 10:42am
We see Commercial Center 100% full of successful business and people. In 30 days, we see our new small business association started with an opening account of $100,000 and with our new signs at the entrances and directories installed, new website and brochures as well as artificial grasses and art gardens installed including geometric shapes with each median showcasing their talent,
Asian Kanji (characters), Iconic symbols that tell a story Heart, Peace sign, and or words listed with the visitors and tourists authority and art community we see all business working together for special events and promotions with seasonal decorations in the center starting with the winter season holiday banners and tinsel and a live Santa Claus Day, we draw to us enlightened, loving and loyal clients who believe in our vision and mission and support us all for the highest good. After the holidays we want to see the Chinese New Year promoted.
Written by Paula Sadler in 2007 in hopes of growing the Business Association and Revitalizing Commercial Center Area